These days the word ‘FAT’ has many meanings. It may just be that you are measuring yourself against your ‘lepa’ friends. Those who don’t have to do anything to stay thin (eyes rolling). They eat anything, drink anything and still have that adorable and enviable flat tummy with six packs for that matter! Even the pop starts and the people who care about fashion make so much noise about keeping trim that you get confused over your curvy self.

Let me tell you, I know these things. I know because I struggled with weight gain, flabby arms and big tummy. My friends laughed at me and even told me to learn to fast. At some point I thought there was something wrong with me. I felt like this for most of my teenage life and even into my early adult stage until a new knowledge hit me!

  • I was created in the image of God. It’s perfect and beautiful
  • My body is the temple of the Holy Spirit; He can’t dwell in me if I’m not attractive (duh)
  • I am fearfully and wonderfully made; I am not an afterthought. God was deliberate!

Armed with these truths, I decided that I would take care of my body as best as I could. Here are a few tips on how to take care of your body;

  • Regular exercises; frequent walks around instead of taking a cab, taking the stairs instead of relaxing in the lift (side eye), jump ropes et cetera.
  • Eat good healthy meals in their right proportions. Nobody is saying you shouldn’t eat cakes and some tasty and delicious little indulges. But it should be very occasional and not to be made a habit. Your meals should consist more of vegetables fruits and fibres, proteins, healthy fats and little carbohydrates.
  • Understand the importance of proper timing with meals. Meals should consist of smaller portions more frequently at least five times in a week, avoid late meals and take fruits lavishly.

It is important to note that we are all made differently and we possess varying body shapes. This means that while some people are naturally slender by nature, others have chubbier and fuller figures. So if you are, who cares? That’s just the way you are! Don’t let anyone make you feel bad about your naturally endowed body figure. Just take care of it and make a habit out of cultivating a healthy lifestyle.

Marvy Okoro