Release Your Potential was the focal point of BeamLight Foundation 1st September 2023 seminar for preteens and teens. The youngsters were encouraged to release their potential. There are untapped and innate potential in every teen. They must never allow anyone or anything make them feel small.
It is essential that these potential are released for the benefit of not just themselves but the world at large. Failure to release one’s potential may lead to dire consequences. Do not deny your world of the unique gifts you have been grace with. I implore you to continue to encourage the youngsters around you to release their potential. They carry unique solutions and we cannot allow the enemy steal these through deceit.
Special thanks to our amiable guest speaker, Mrs. Ogechukwu Ezeokoli. Thanks to all who worked tirelessly to ensure this year seminar was successful. Many thanks to my indefatigable and committed team BLF! My deepest appreciation goes to God, Most High, who has always watch over His word to perform it. Pls, find below some scenes from the seminar.
#joyobehi, #beamlightfoundation, #pfcosultd, #releaseyourpitential, #September2023, #teens, #helpmissionary, #hopedealer