The pupils were given talks on the importance of sex education. They were informed of the major differences between the male and female child. They were told these differences become prominent when they attained the age of puberty. Emphasis was laid on the need to protect their private parts from the prying eyes of others and equally not to allow anyone touch their private parts. The pupils were also encouraged to report any form of sexual abuse irrespective of whom the abuser may be. They were told that their power is in their voices. They should not allow any abuser silent their voices using threats and any other means. The pupils were also informed to be wary of people who may seem very friendly and likeable as there is no way to ascertain who a potential abuser is. Also, the pupils were reminded to imbibe core values such as respect, responsibility, love, kindness/compassion, diligence, self-discipline et cetera. They were told these values will help them become better people. Love for themselves and others will prevent them from doing harm to their classmates and others around them. Self-discipline and diligence will help them get their work done well and faster. Kindness/compassion will make them to be more empathetic to needs of others around them.