BeamLight Foundation (BLF) visited Alapere Primary School on 5th December 2024.
The pupils were taught the basics of sex education. They were informed of the basic differences between the male child and the female child. They were told that each of them was unique and that they should always celebrate their uniqueness. The pupils were equally told to dress decently. They were told to set relationship boundary and never allow anyone to see or touch their private parts. They were equally encouraged to report any incident of sexual abuse or molestation.Also, the pupils were taught the following values among others: Love, Excellence, Self Control, Integrity/Honesty, Responsibility, Patience, Critical thinking/Problem solving, Environmental Stewardship et cetera. Love is the umbrella of all the values. When they imbibe the value of love, they will be able to show kindness and empathy to others. They will equally seek the good of others. Learning the culture of excellence will keep them from settling for mediocrity. The pupils were equally informed to learn to take care of their environment. They were told that they are stewards of their environment. The pupils were equally taught to do things that will promote a healthy environment free from unsafe practises. It should be considered taboo for them to litter their environment, knowing full well that these can pose a health hazard to the people living in that vicinity.